This write-up is amazing! It was so wonderful to spend time with you and so many of our friends in Italy. To expand on your business card tip: carrying a small amount of business cards on you at all times when you leave your house is very helpful, even when not at the fair. You never know who you're going to meet at a cafe, bookstore, museum, etc.
Yes I definitely agree! Even now that I'm home, I've put some in my backpack and purse just to have them available. It's definitely a good tip, thanks Jen :)
I saw lots of stories on instagram from all over the world on Bologna! So exciting!!! I definitely want to go, maybe next year? I would have to start saving now and get my passport, which here in Vnzla is almost like trying to win the lottery.
thank you for sharing your helpful tips. It' s also lovely to hear your own voice reading out the newsletter ,thanks for investing all this time in your substack
This write-up is amazing! It was so wonderful to spend time with you and so many of our friends in Italy. To expand on your business card tip: carrying a small amount of business cards on you at all times when you leave your house is very helpful, even when not at the fair. You never know who you're going to meet at a cafe, bookstore, museum, etc.
Yes I definitely agree! Even now that I'm home, I've put some in my backpack and purse just to have them available. It's definitely a good tip, thanks Jen :)
I saw lots of stories on instagram from all over the world on Bologna! So exciting!!! I definitely want to go, maybe next year? I would have to start saving now and get my passport, which here in Vnzla is almost like trying to win the lottery.
I really hope you can! There were people from all over the world. I wish you all the luck for the passport!
thank you for sharing your helpful tips. It' s also lovely to hear your own voice reading out the newsletter ,thanks for investing all this time in your substack
Great recap and tips, Katie! I love all the Illoguild photos and books!
I loved reading this, Katie, such a great report ❤️
I’m so happy that I got to share this experience with you! Thanks for the amazing tips for next year!